Check out the new proposal, (and spread the word, please. ) IIP-22 that was just posted on the Community Forum.

19 Jun 2023, 16:01
Check out the new proposal, (and spread the word, please!) IIP-22 that was just posted on the Community Forum. Here’s the intro/summary. IIP-22 describes the details of the IoTeX Name Service (INS), which is similar to the ENS (Ethereum Name Service). The INS aims to be a protocol and ABI definition that provides flexible resolution of short, human-readable names to service and resource identifiers. This enables users to register and manage human-readable domain names for their IoTeX addresses, smart contracts, decentralized websites, and other IoTeX-based resources. INS will simplify the user experience by replacing long and complex IoTeX addresses with easy-to-remember names. Read the full proposal here: