Hello dear IoTeX community. Here is a Community update on Marketing to keep you in touch on what we are working:.

31 Jan 2023, 13:47
Hello dear IoTeX community! Here is a Community update on Marketing to keep you in touch on what we are working: Marketing team are working very hard to develop a new marketing infrastructure with a whole new methodology for communicating, which will complement the company’s tech infrastructure. The main focus of their approach (short term) is to evolve the brand, moving it from a web3 brand in the web 3 category towards being a Web3 brand integrating into the real world… which means they have to improve the standard of every form of communications. They’re currently hiring new people to help deliver this new marketing ethos. Short term projects, which they’re working on over the next two quarters: - Working on a transition brand strategy (and we will have some early updates to share over the next couple of weeks) - Attending ETH Denver - and creating a bespoke event there (they will share event details over the next few weeks) - First stage redesign of IoTeX main website (early to mid q2) , update the content and streamline the navigation flow amongst relevant websites - Working with Creative Agency to streamline the design guideline for our big brand and sub brands - Redesigning the newsletter (which will be available soon) - Redesigning the video (which will be available soon) - Community Feedback initiative to ensure we’re better reacting to any issues identified by the community - Community questionnaire (they want to understand better the current motivations of the community) - Ambassador questionnaire (they want to understand better the current motivations of Ambassadors) - Research Dashboard (they’re developing a unified multi source research dashboard to inform all their marketing decisions) - They onboarded new content creator who will be creating community specific work - Working with MachineFi ecosystem partners to create video content to best showcase and elevate those projects/use cases once they have hit the near-to-launch milestone (expect them to come in Q2/Q3) - Laying the foundation for bigger work to come in post crypto winter There is a lot going on in the background, and as 2023 progresses, and more foundations are laid, and more members join the team we will start to see a lot more high delivery content.